Essential Yoga | The Essence of Yoga

Essential Yoga

Have you thought about yoga and wondered if you can touch your toes or worried that you are not flexible enough?

That was definitely me and really, its not about that – Andy Russell

The Essence of Yoga is accessible to everyone. Any level of flexibility is fine…

Back problems from competitive sport plagued me for years and I spent hours at yoga classes trying to bend and flex like the teacher, and probably most of the class, and regularly left in pain. After practicing in Western Australia with inspirational teachers and subsequently completing teacher training, I am ready to share my experience with anyone who feels “Yoga is not for me!

Take Your First Class for Free

Perhaps you have wondered for a while about the benefits of yoga and whether you could even attempt a class, then why not try. Every class is accesible to all!

Weekly classes

Our new beginners Vinyasa Yoga class each week at the Writtle Village Hall, on Saturday mornings from 10.15am until 11.30am, commences on January 20th 2024

Please email [email protected] or call 07796 581809 to book. First class is free and then £10 each week after that, pay as you go..

My inspiration..

Sava Papos

“Yoga for me is about exercising our mindfulness through movement. When we can relax the mind, the body can also relax. Practice is for everyone. Whether we move or sit for any class, our practice is complete as long as we focus our attention on the power of breath and meditation.”

My teacher training in WA with..

Eric Schwarz

Eric is a Yoga Teacher and a life coach. His teaching style is engaging, empowering and creative, embracing the full potential of body, mind and spirit. Eric was one of the teachers on my 200 hour course.

“In a culture that discourages introspection, it takes a certain sensitivity to practice yoga in the first place. It also takes courage to reconcile what it means to stay sensitive in this world without losing a sense of self. Through my practice, I’ve come to understand that learning goes well beyond the intellectual, and through trust and faith in this spiritual realm, I walk this Earth knowing there is always potential to learn and grow, no matter what arises.” – Eric Schwarz

Opening Hours

Saturday’s: 10.15 AM – 11.30 AM


07796 581809


Writtle Village Hall
The Green, Writtle, CM13DU